steps of Hajj

Hajj step-by-step in Islam – pillars of Hajj

The prophet peace be upon him said during his Hajj “O people, learn your rituals (of Hajj) for I do not know whether I will perform Hajj again after this year.'” This is how the prophet showed Muslims the rituals of Hajj which we follow.

The nusuk of Hajj include pillars or mandatory actions we should perform and there are some conditions for them to be valid. We will talk about them in detail and will discuss the steps on how to perform Hajj.

The steps of performing Hajj Nusuks are in this order:

  1. Ihram: The intention to perform Hajj. This is the state of purity and consecration that pilgrims enter into before performing the Hajj. It involves any action that indicates the beginning of Hajj like wearing special garments (for men, two unstitched white sheets; for women, a simple and modest dress) and observing certain rules such as not cutting one’s hair or nails. There are things that shouldn’t be done after Iharam. Ihram can be in three forms:
    • Ifrad: the intention of Hajj only
    • Iqran: the intention of Hajj and Umrah together
    • Tamattua: the intention of performing Umrah and then moving to Hajj
  2. Tawaf: This is the act of circumambulating the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction.
  3. Sa’yee: This involves walking or running seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa, which are located near the Kaaba. This ritual commemorates the actions of Hajar, the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim, who ran between these two hills in search of water for her son Ismail.
  4. Travel to Mina: On the eighth day of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah, pilgrims travel to Mina, a small town near Mecca, where they spend the night in prayer and reflection.
  5. Standing at Arafat: On the ninth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, pilgrims travel to the plain of Arafat, where they spend the day in prayer and supplication. This is considered the most important day of the Hajj.
  6. Going to Muzdalifah
  7. Ramy The first Jamarat: After leaving Arafat, pilgrims travel to a place called Muzdalifah, where they collect pebbles to throw at three stone pillars known as the Jamarat. This ritual symbolizes the stoning of the devil.
  8. Shaving or trimming
  9. Tawaf al-Ifadha
  10. Ramy Jamarat
  11. Spend night at Mina
  12. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  13. Tawaf al-Wada’: Before leaving Mecca, pilgrims perform a final circumambulation of the Kaaba, known as the Farewell Tawaf.

Pillars of Hajj

Among the steps of Hajj, there are four main pillars that should be performed.

  1. Ihram
  2. Standing on Arafat mountain
  3. Tawaf al-ifadha
  4. Saýee between the hills of Safa and Marwa

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